About Us

Griffin Family Therapy


To support individuals, organizations, systems reach their full potential.  


Focus on whole person centered service with support of all facets of one’s identity, including ethnic, cultural and racial background, age, gender, gender identity, spiritual or religious background, sexual orientation, ranges in health and medical,  area of country or world of originEngage in the labor of attention to diversity, in all of its facets, equity, and inclusion of attention to diverse identities as a matter of ethical practice.

Latoyia Griffin, LCSW, CGP

Latoyia Griffin Piper (she, her, hers pronouns) is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Group Psychotherapist. She obtained her Bachelors of Arts Degree in Psychology, with a Minor in Childhood Development at Kentucky State University. She later obtained her Masters Degree in Social Work with a concentration in Family Mental Health at Syracuse University, as well as an advanced certification in Women's Studies. She began and later completed the process of Certification as a Group Psychotherapist. She completed her practicum studies at The University of Rochester and Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York.   She is a Social Work Board authorized supervisor for those seeking clinical licensure in Social Work (LCSW), an authorized supervisor for those seeking Certification as Group Psychotherapists (CGP), and provides individual and group consultation for individual, family and group therapists. 

She has had the privilege of working extensively providing therapy to individuals, couples, families, and groups in a range of settings (rural county outpatient mental health, continuing day treatment, for profit outpatient mental health, and private practice).  In addition to direct practice roles, she is a systems oriented provider with a history in administrative and academic service.  Her career has entailed the following: developing and directing mental health clinics and programs, including developing and directed the Young Adult Program for young adults diagnosed with severe and persistent mental health concerns for Strong Hospital and the University of Rochester, developing educational materials for distribution; organization systems analysis and policy and procedure development; training for local, state, national, international audiences.  

She has served on a range of committees and Boards both personally and professionally, including Northern California Group Psychotherapy (NCGPS) Society Board Member and Secretary, NCGPS Institute Co-Director, NCGPS Fall Event Chair, American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force member, AGPA Racial and Ethnic Diversity Special Interest Group Member, Delta Sigma Theta Valley Forge Alumni Chapter Physical and Mental Health Committee Co-Chair.  She has several publications related to these roles. Faculty appointments have included Cabrini University, Widener University, University of Phoenix (including Faculty Chair for Behavioral Science Human Services Department), and Liaison for UNLV School of Social Work. 

She feels privileged to have provided direct clinical service with particular focus on those of diverse identities, blended families, those dealing with the impact of significant mental health/ medical concerns for self or others, and those newly engaged in the therapeutic process. In all of her endeavors, she brings a practice rooted in social justice as well as in attention to providing whole person centered service (attentive to all of the facets of identity, including ethnicity, culture, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, varying disabilities, varying abilities, spiritual/religious life, military status, area of the country/world of origin, “family”/communal connections, profession/career/work/trade) and the systems that impact our lives.  She addresses creating a framework where individuals feel a sense of safety attentive to the full spectrum of our identities, where they can be attentive to healthy self reflection and personal growth

Theoretical frameworks and modalities utilized include: family systems and systems oriented, feminist psychology and psychodynamic, culturally attuned practices centralizing the communal and collective interplay with the individual. 

Techniques infused include: motivational interviewing, harm reduction, DBT skills, brief therapy, CBT therapy, mindfulness practice, and trauma attentive. Attention to infusion of skill in the following:  whole person centered service (attentive to diverse health and abilities, and all of the facets of identity, including ethnic, cultural, racial identity, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation); culturally inclusive service (inclusive of attention to such things as the social, ethnic, racial, cultural, religious, spiritual, and family background, military service, area of the world or country of origin); attentive to ethical matters of inclusive safety (inclusive skills to address such issues as microaggressions, bias, power/privilege, colorism), and labor toward harm prevention as primary with supplement of injury/repair 

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